By the Numbers
- 57,322 population served by Englewood water in a service area of nearly 7 square miles
- 300,000 population served by South Platte Renew in a service area of nearly 107 square miles
- Up to 26 million gallons of water treated per day at Englewood's Allen Water Treatment Plant
- Average of 20 million gallons of wastewater treated per day at the South Platte Renew Plant
- 25 thousand feet of 36 inch diameter storm drainage pipeline
- 8,570 acre-ft of potential water storage between 2 Englewood-owned reservoirs (Meadow Creek and Mclellan)
- 6,700,00 gallons of treated water stored in 2 water towers and 2 underground storage tanks
- 166 miles of Englewood-owned pipeline and 4 pump stations to move water for treatement and delivery to customers
- 44,500+ annual tests on Englewood's drinking water