City of Englewood, Colorado
Home MenuGetting Water to You
The Journey of Water to Your Tap
A drop of water travels a long way before it reaches your tap. It begins as mountain snowpack that melts and flows into rivers and reservoirs that provide Englewood’s water. Raw, or untreated, water is delivered from the mountain system to the city’s Allen Water Treatment Plant through the South Platte River and the City Ditch. Once it is treated at the Allen Water Treatment Plant, drinking water is then stored in tanks before being delivered through miles of pressurized pipes to homes and businesses.
The Englewood Water system has about 166 miles of pipe. A dedicated team of operations and maintenance staff manage distribution system operations, infrastructure maintenance, water main repairs, meter reading and water main flushing. This team is on call 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week to ensure that safe water is available anytime you turn on your faucet. All of this is accomplished at the cost of less than one penny per gallon for safe, dependable drinking water delivered to your tap.
Englewood is investing in its water and sewer infrastructure to ensure that our water remains reliable and safe, to improve its taste, odor and hardness, and to modernize our treatment facilities so they can continue to serve our vibrant community well into the future.
For more information, visit
By the Numbers
- 57,322 population served by Englewood water in a service area of nearly 7 square miles
- 300,000 population served by South Platte Renew in a service area of nearly 107 square miles
- Up to 26 million gallons of water treated per day at Englewood's Allen Water Treatment Plant
- Average of 20 million gallons of wastewater treated per day at the South Platte Renew Plant
- 25 thousand feet of 36 inch diameter storm drainage pipeline
- 8,570 acre-ft of potential water storage between 2 Englewood-owned reservoirs (Meadow Creek and Mclellan)
- 6,700,00 gallons of treated water stored in 2 water towers and 2 underground storage tanks
- 166 miles of Englewood-owned pipeline and 4 pump stations to move water for treatment and delivery to customers
- 44,500+ annual tests on Englewood's drinking water
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