Energy Efficient Englewood Grant

Energy Efficient Englewood

The Energy Efficient Englewood Project offers grants to low and moderate income Englewood homeowners.  The grants are up to a maximum of $8,000 per household for energy efficiency upgrades as determined by an energy audit.  The grant requires a 20% match from the homeowner; however, if the homeowner does not have the required match then a declining lien may be available.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. All household gross income (before deductions) is below 80% of the Arapahoe County Area Median Income Limits. Please see below for link to income limits.  
  2. Your residence is located within the city limits of Englewood.
  3. You live in the home as your primary residence.


  1. The maximum grant is $8,000 and requires a $2,000 homeowner match.  If the homeowner cannot provide the match, a four-year declining lien against the property may be available.
  2. Verification of income, residency and ownership is required.
  3. Funds are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. There may be a waiting list.

Project Types

Grants may be used on various energy upgrades as prioritized by a required home energy audit.  A few examples include:

  1. Insulation
  2. Exterior doors
  3. Double-pane thermal windows
  4. Water heaters, including tankless
  5. 93% or higher efficient furnaces

Pre-Application Form

For additional information, please call 303.762.2347 or email Community Development.