Room Reservation Policy
- Purpose
To provide a streamlined process for reserving rooms in facilities owned by the City of Englewood.
- Definitions
- Piazza- Outdoor area located to the front of the Englewood Civic Center, located at 1000 Englewood Parkway, Englewood, CO. Administered by the Englewood Environmental Foundation (EEF).
- Community Room- Room located in the front of the second floor of the Englewood Civic Center, located at 1000 Englewood Parkway, Englewood, CO. Seats up to 150 people.
- Hampden Hall- Performance space located at the back of the Civic Center on the second floor at 1000 Englewood Parkway. External use approved by the Englewood Arts Foundation. Seats up to 192 people.
- Library- Anderson Room (Seats 42 people), Perrin Room (Seats 37 people), and Altenbach Room (Seats 30 people) located in the City of Englewood Library on the first floor of the Civic Center at 1000 Englewood Parkway.
- Malley Center- Grand Ballroom (Seats 275 people), Conference Room (Seats 75 people), Gym (Seats 75 people), and kitchen at the Malley Recreation Center located at 3380 South Lincoln Street, Englewood, CO
- Recreation Center- Multi-Purpose Room (Seats 70 people), and Classroom (Seats 35 people) located at the Englewood Recreation Center at 1155 West Oxford Avenue, Englewood, CO.
- Hub- Front desk of the Civic Center, located on the third floor of the City of Englewood Civic Center, 1000 Englewood Parkway, Englewood, CO. Staffed by Customer Service Experience Assistants, employed by the City Administration Department.
- Englewood Environmental Foundation (EEF)- Nonprofit organization with responsibility for maintaining the outside areas of the City Center, including the Piazza.
- Room Reservation Process
- Piazza
- Internal and external users must complete the form (available on the City’s website and intranet site)
- After the form has been submitted to the Hub, the application will be routed to the EEF executive assistant for approval by the EEF president
- Once approved by the EEF president, EEF will communicate approval to the Hub. Hub staff will then inform the applicant that the use of the room has been approved.
- The applicant must then ensure that Facilities receives the proposed room layout, and any other facility-related requests, and must pay through the Finance Department.
- Community Room
- Internal and external users must complete the form (available on the City’s website and intranet site)
- After the form has been submitted to the Hub, the application will be reviewed by Hub staff and discussed, if needed, with the Facilities Division in Public Works
- Once reviewed and approved, Hub staff will inform the applicant that the use of the room has been approved.
- The applicant must then ensure that Facilities receives the proposed room layout, and any other facility-related requests, and must pay through the Finance Department.
- Hampden Hall
- Internal and external users must complete the form (available on the City’s website and intranet site)
- After the form has been submitted to the Hub, the application will be sent to Englewood Arts for approval
- Once approved by Englewood Arts, Englewood Arts will communicate approval to the Hub. Hub staff will then inform the applicant that the use of the room has been approved
- The applicant must then ensure that Facilities receives the proposed room layout, and any other facility-related requests, must pay through the Finance Department
- Malley Center, Recreation Center, and Library
Applicants must follow a process designed by the Parks, Recreation, Library, and Golf Department
- Reservation Expectations
- Standards of Behavior- Users of City spaces and all participants at events in City spaces must follow the City’s Standards of Behavior.
- Timeline- Requests should be submitted at least one week (seven calendar days) before the event. Any applications submitted closer than seven days before the event may be denied.
- Layout- At the time of application, applicants must provide, using a form provided by the Department of Public Works, a layout of the room
- Expectations of Use- At the time of application, Hub staff shall provide applicants with expectations for the use of the Piazza, Hampden Hall, and the Community Room. Parks, Recreation, Library and Golf shall provide expectations to applications for rooms in their facilities at the time of application.
- Recurring Use- Applicants may request multiple room reservation dates at the same time.
- Use after hours- Any after hours requests require a separate fee for Facilities services.
- Room Reservation Fees
Room reservation fees shall be set by the Director of Public Works on an annual basis, with final approval by the City Manager. Requests to waive fees may be submitted, in writing, at the time of request for a room reservation. A committee made up of two members of the City Administration Department (appointed by the City Manager), two members of the Public Works Department (appointed by the Director of Public Works) and one member of the Finance Department (appointed by the Director of Finance) will vote on whether to approve fee waivers with a majority vote determining whether a fee should be waived. Organizations will only be considered for a waiver if they meet the following criteria:
- Registered 501©3 organization;
- In good standing with the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office;
- Have an annual budget (with documentation) of less than $200,000; and
- Have a documented history of serving the Englewood community.
- Application
This policy applies to all rooms and facilities owned and managed by the City of Englewood.
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