FAQ - Streets, Signals, and Parking

Questions regarding streets, traffic signals, and parking restrictions:

  • Why doesn't the City use left turn signals at all intersections along Broadway and Hampden?
    • Answer: The City's Traffic Division uses the Federal Highway Administration's guidelines for left-turn phasing. These guidelines use vehicle volumes, traffic delays, and vehicle crash history to determine appropriate locations for left turn signals.
  • Who is responsible for the timing of traffic signals on Hampden Avenue (US 285)?
  • Why are residential streets posted for 25 mph speed limit?
    • Answer: The City adopted the state's Model Traffic Code in December 2020 and at that time, lowered all residential street speed limits to 25 MPH.
  • Why aren't speed bumps installed to deter speeding?
    • Answer: Tests of speed bumps raise questions about their safety and their effectiveness:
      • Speed bumps create a potential hazard to all vehicles, and an immediate danger to bicyclists, motorcyclists, and emergency vehicles.
      • Drivers often start using alternate routes to avoid speed bumps, which increases traffic volumes on adjacent streets.
      • Speed bumps impede storm drainage capacity.
  • What are the parking restrictions in Englewood?
  • Which streets are plowed after a snow storm?
    • Answer: The City plows primary grid streets first, followed by secondary grid streets. See the Snow Removal page for a map and further details.
  • Why aren't paving projects done at night?
    • Answer: Nighttime paving operations need special lighting requiring the use of generators. The generators exceed Englewood's noise ordinance. In addition, it is difficult to arrange for asphalt delivery during evening hours.
  • Who is responsible for maintaining street lights in Englewood?
    • Answer: Xcel Energy. To report a street light in disrepair, call 1-800-895-4999.
  • What should I do if I see a downed power line?
    • Answer: If you come across a downed power line, leave the area and report it immediately by calling 1-800-895-1999. Never approach a downed power line. Always assume that they are energized and extremely dangerous. Touching a live line or anything near it, such as a fence, puddle, car, etc., can cause electrocution resulting in serious injury and even death. 
  • What if a power line falls on my vehicle?
    • Answer: If a power line has fallen onto a vehicle, stay away and seek help right away by calling 911. If you are in the vehicle, wait inside the vehicle until help arrives. You are safe from electrical shock as long as you stay inside the vehicle. If you must leave the vehicle due to fire or other life-threatening reasons, leap clear of the vehicle, landing with both feet together. Don't hold the door while leaping, and once on the ground, hop or shuffle away — do not run.
    • Visit the Public Works section of our website for additional information on these and other street and traffic-related topics.

If you have a question that isn't answered in this section, feel free to e-mail the Webmaster for a response.