Malley Center Admissions

Malley Recreation Center Admission Fees

I.D. Cards

If you are an Englewood resident, you must obtain a Resident I.D. card for each member of your family who wish to use an Englewood Recreation facility or register for a program and receive the resident fee rate. 

Resident ID's are $3 and valid for three years from date of purchase.  In order to obtain a resident I.D. card, please provide a valid photo I.D. with current address or provide a document verifying your current Englewood address (vehicle registration, utility or phone bill, etc.)

Active Adult: 55 Years and Over 

 Type  Resident  Non-Resident
 Social Pass $48.00 $60.00
 Monthly Pass (Multi-Facility) $21.75/mo ($239.75 - 12 months prepaid) $26.75/mo ($294.25 - 12 months prepaid)
 25 Visit Pass (Multi-Facility)  $67.25 (Cost per visit: $2.69) $84.00 (Cost per visit: $3.36 
 Premier Pass $27.50/mo ($306.00 - 12 months prepaid)
$35.00/mo ($385.00 - 12 months prepaid)
 Platinum Pass (83+) FREE


Social Pass (Malley Center only) Annual

The pass allows twelve months of access to all the Malley Recreation programs that do not include a class number. Includes use of available facilities (fitness center, game room, computers, bridge, bunco, billiards, lobby access, table tennis and pickleball or drop-in gym).

Monthly Pass (Multi-Facility)

Two Recreation Centers. Includes drop-in use of both the Englewood Recreation Center and the Malley Recreation Center. Must be 55 years of age or older to use the Malley Recreation Center.

Premier Pass (MRC & ERC included)

An upgrade to the Recreation Center Annual Pass to include eligible group fitness classes, one personal training session, four guest passes, racquetball rider* and childcare*. Must be 55 years of age or older to use the Malley Recreation Center.  

*Available at the Englewood Recreation Center only

Platinum Pass for ages 83 and up - Free

Allows drop-in use of both the Englewood Recreation Center and the Malley Recreation Center.

An admission pass is not required to participate in Malley's VOA lunch program, Visiting Nurses Association events, special events, excursions or classes. Members receive priority when registering. Adults under 55 years of age interested in attending activities may register on a space available basis. Please call 303-762-2660 for availability.